Nuovi prodotti

Opening hours of our greenhouses

Our production greenhouses are open to the public from the 1st of April when the garden orchids start to develop.

The greenhouses are also open on some Saturdays and Sundays (open house).

We strongly recommend a visit during the Open House Weekend as all our staff are available for cultivation information during these events.

Opening schedule 2024

January,  February, March : Closed

April , Mai , June : Open

Wednesday : 13.00 - 17.00 

Friday: 10.00 - 17.00

July, August : Closed

September, October: Open

Wednesday : 13.00 - 17.00 

Friday: 10.00 - 17.00

November, December : Closed


Week-end OPEN-HOUSE 2024 

Saturday 06 April : 10,00 - 18,00

Sunday 07 April : 10,00 - 18,00

Saturday 20 April : 10,00 - 18,00

Sunday 21 April : 10,00 - 18,00

Saturday 4 Mai : 10,00 - 18,00

Sunday 5 Mai : 10,00 - 18,00

Saturday 18 Mai : 10,00 -18,00 

Sunday 19 Mai : 10,00 - 18,00

The following dates will be communicated shortly

Important information:

The garden orchids bloom between April and September, depending on the variety.

It is therefore not possible to admire all the varieties in flower during your visit.

We therefore advise you to visit our website to see all the varieties available in photos.

To help you make the right choice for your garden, we also advise you to read our blog