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The in vitro seedlings from our laboratory are a healthy starting...
Bletilla ochracea is native to south-central China and Vietnam. In...
The Bletilla ‘Shi-ran’ is a beautiful hardy terrestrial orchid that can...
The in vitro seedlings from our laboratory are a healthy starting...
The in vitro seedlings from our laboratory are a healthy starting...
This cross of two Chinese species (Cypripedium fasciolatum and...
Cypripedium ventricosum ‘Pastel’ is a natural hybrid between Cypripedium...
Cypripedium ventricosum ‘Pastel’ is a natural hybrid between Cypripedium...
This is the UK native wild Common Spotted which grows in neutral to alkaline soils which are often damp. Can be grow in grassland, the garden or a pot. It is a good beginners orchid as it will usually bulk up fairly quickly.
Dactylorhiza pardalina, also known as Dactylorhiza praetermissa var Junialis, is a common European orchid species. It is native to northern and central Europe (Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and the Baltic republics). This terrestrial orchid is a hardy plant (up to 60 cm) with fairly dense spikes of...
Suitable for planting 2 garden orchids This ready-to-use mixture is ideal for growing Dactylorhiza, Epipactis and Spiranthes.
Known as the Western Marsh Orchid this dactylorhiza is extremely variable but it does usually have spotted leaves. It does best in wet grassland areas or on the edge of ponds or streams.
A good dactylorhiza producing an elegant flower with a broad lip. This tuberous perennial orchids is found on a range of well-drained or wet acidic soils in a wide variety of habitats, including grasslands, moors, heaths, flushes and bogs. A good choice for the edge of a pond or a damp grassland situation.
The Dactylohiza 'Foliorella' orchid is a hybrid between two orchids: the Dactylorhiza foliosa and the purpurella. This hybrid is characterized by extreme vigour. In full bloom, the plant can reach a size of 60 to 80 cm and the imposing floral stalk often measures more than 30 cm. This beautiful orchid carries very luminous purple flowers. The effect in...
Dactylorhiza praetermissa, the southern marsh orchid or leopard marsh orchid, is a commonly occurring species of European orchid. It is native to northern and central Europe (Britain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France and the Baltic Republics).
Dactylorhiza purpurella, the northern marsh orchid, is an orchid native to Great Britain, Ireland and Denmark which grows well in many areas.
Dactylorhiza umbrosa is native to China and Central Asia (Kazakastan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Turkey). It grows in meadows, on river banks, on flooded slopes and in open marshy forests at altitudes of between 1,000 and 3,800 metres. It is generally a small but robust plant (15-45 cm tall).
This species of Dactylorhiza also called Dune marsh orchid has a natural distribution limited to the British and Irish coasts of the Irish Sea. It grows mainly in wet dunes and more rarely in wet meadows. Hybridisation is common and can often make identification difficult. However, the brilliant scarlet colour tends to be retained, although more or less...
Dactylorhiza elata is an orchid of Mediterranean origin (southern France, Italy, Morocco). It is a fairly widespread orchid that can be abundant in these regions and bears deep pink-lilac flowers. It is a plant of full light which lives in various wet environments such as wet meadows, peat bogs or embankments. It is a robust but slender plant that can...
Botanical rarities The orchids in this category are extremely rare botanical varieties. Some of them are delicate plants that are less tolerant than the orchids in the 'Easy Garden' category. They are more suitable for a connoisseur audience... Dactylorhiza ochroleucea is a beautiful and rare orchid, closely related to Dactylorhiza incarnata. It is...
Botanical rarities The orchids in this category are extremely rare botanical varieties. Some of them are delicate plants that are less tolerant than the orchids in the 'Easy Garden' category. They are more suitable for a connoisseur audience... Dactylorhiza sambucina is a short to medium sized (10 to 30 cm), stocky and robust plant with 10 to 20 flowers....
Dactylorhiza iberica is a very rare species of Dactylorhiza native to the mountains of the Middle East. This is the only variety of Dactylorhiza with stolons. Its multiplication by its stolons is very fast. This very hardy species grows very well in wild gardens. It needs moist soil during the growth phase.
The Madeira orchid, Dactylorhiza foliosa, is an easy to grow and rarely available plant from the Portuguese island of Madeira. It bears large spikes of purple flowers with dotted, darker lips. It is fantastic when planted en masse amongst grasses or in wild borders. Dactylorhiza foliosa grows well in full sun, moist soil and produces truly exceptional...
This kit is specially designed for hobbyists who want to discover the world of garden orchids and who have wet areas (pond edges, banks, wet ravines, water seepage,...).This kit contains: - Epipactis palustris - Spiranthes ‘Chadd’s Ford’ - Dactylorhiza majalis - Dactylorhiza / Epipactis / Spiranthes potting soil
Phytesia is temporarily offering an assortment of 4 Dactylorhiza composed of the following varieties : - Dactylorhiza fuchsii - Dactylorhiza majalis - Dactylorhiza maculata - Dactylorhiza pardalina
The in vitro seedlings from our laboratory are a healthy starting material for new cultures.... They are delivered in sterile bags of 50 seedlings. The plants are ready to be transferred to the soil. Dactylorhiza in vitro plants should be grown for 1 to 2 years before flowering.
The in vitro seedlings from our laboratory are a healthy starting material for new cultures.... They are delivered in sterile bags of 50 seedlings. The plants are ready to be transferred to the soil. Dactylorhiza in vitro plants should be grown for 1 to 2 years before flowering.
The in vitro seedlings from our laboratory are a healthy starting material for new cultures.... They are delivered in sterile bags of 50 seedlings. The plants are ready to be transferred to the soil. Dactylorhiza in vitro plants should be grown for 1 to 2 years before flowering.
The in vitro seedlings from our laboratory are a healthy starting material for new cultures.... They are delivered in sterile bags of 50 seedlings. The plants are ready to be transferred to the soil. Dactylorhiza in vitro plants should be grown for 1 to 2 years before flowering.
This kit is specially designed for those who wish to discover the world of garden orchids and who have a clay garden. It includes Cypripedium, Epipactis and Dactylorhiza, which appreciate this type of soil provided it is not left to dry out completely in summer. The soil (if very compact) can be lightened by adding 30% of our Cypripedium substrate.This...
The in vitro seedlings from our laboratory are a healthy starting material for new cultures.... They are delivered in sterile bags of 50 seedlings. The plants are ready to be transferred to the soil. Dactylorhiza in vitro plants should be grown for 1 to 2 years before flowering.
The in vitro seedlings from our laboratory are a healthy starting material for new cultures.... They are delivered in sterile bags of 50 seedlings. The plants are ready to be transferred to the soil. Dactylorhiza in vitro plants should be grown for 1 to 2 years before flowering.